
Chiropractor in Dearborn Heights, MI

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Nutrition services offered in Dearborn Heights, MI

The old adage “You are what you eat” is especially true when you’re recovering from an injury. At 1st Choice Chiropractic in Dearborn Heights, Michigan, board-certified chiropractor Hamzi Naserdean, DC, offers nutrition counseling to help you eat a well-balanced diet that includes all of the nutrients you need for tissue repair and optimal recovery. Book your appointment online or call the office for help today.

Nutrition Q&A

What is nutrition counseling?

Nutrition counseling helps you to make healthier choices when it comes to what you eat and how you eat it. At 1st Choice Chiropractic, Dr. Naserdean specializes in nutrition counseling through the lens of injury and recovery. 

Nutrition counseling gives you many of the resources you need to restore your damaged tissues while rebuilding your strength and nourishing your body safely. 

How does nutrition counseling work?


In nutrition counseling, Dr. Naserdean discusses your current eating habits with you in detail and helps you to find areas where you can improve. He makes specific recommendations for foods that can nourish your body more effectively, such as swapping out processed foods for those that are natural and fresh. 


If you have any vitamin and mineral deficiencies, Dr. Naserdean may also recommend specific health supplements that can work alongside your improved eating habits to help you recover as quickly as possible. 

What other treatments go along with nutrition counseling?


Nutrition counseling is just one aspect of treatment at 1st Choice Chiropractic. Dr. Naserdean commonly uses nutrition counseling as a support for your primary treatments, which may include: 

Chiropractic adjustments


Chiropractic adjustments correct problems with the alignment of spinal bones and joints. This, in turn, alleviates stress on your discs, nerves, and muscles to improve movement and ease pain.

massage therapy


massage therapy specifically focuses on relieving pain and tension in the muscles, connective tissues, and other soft tissues in your body. 

Physical therapy


Physical therapy includes treatments like heat therapy and ice therapy, manual therapy, neuromuscular reeducation, traction, decompression, and muscle-strengthening treatments. These treatments offer immediate pain relief benefits and support your healing.

Rehabilitative exercises


Rehabilitative exercises are specific exercises that promote muscle rebuilding and healing after an injury or some other kind of tissue damage, such as major surgery.

Kinesiology Taping

Kinesiology Taping uses a special elastic tape that moves with your body. When applied in a specific way, the tape can reduce swelling and ease your pain as you recover from an injury. 

Nutrition counseling can work in tandem with some or all of these treatments to ensure that you nourish, protect, and support your body. 

What are the benefits of nutrition counseling?

When you give your body what it needs, it rewards you with natural healing. While it’s particularly important when you’re healing, nutrition counseling also offers benefits like improved energy levels and even the prevention of diet-related illnesses, including certain types of cancers. 

Schedule your nutrition counseling by calling 1st Choice Chiropractic or clicking on the online scheduler now.