Massage Therapy

Chiropractor in Dearborn Heights, MI

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Massage Therapy services offered in Dearborn Heights, MI

Massage therapy is an effective treatment for muscle knots, soreness, and trigger points. At 1st Choice Chiropractic in Dearborn Heights, Michigan, skilled chiropractic physician Hamzi Naserdean, DC, uses advanced massage techniques to complement chiropractic adjustments for maximum pain relief. Book your appointment using the online scheduler or call the office to schedule now. 

Massage Therapy Q&A

What is massage therapy?

In massage therapy, Dr. Naserdean uses specific hands-on techniques to manipulate the muscles and other soft tissues in your back and other parts of your body. It’s an excellent complement to chiropractic adjustments. 

How is massage therapy different from chiropractic adjustments?

Chiropractic adjustments realign your spine, correcting imbalanced bones and joints (the hard tissues in your body). 

massage therapy treats the soft tissues that surround and support those bones and joints. Both are extremely helpful for a broad range of physical issues, and they work perfectly in combination. 

What are the benefits of massage therapy?

massage therapy can improve your health in many ways, including: 


  • Pain relief
  • Relaxation
  • Reduced swelling
  • Reduced inflammation
  • Increased circulation
  • Loosening of tight muscles
  • Lowered heart rate 
  • Lowered blood pressure
  • Boosted immune function

One of the biggest benefits of massage therapy is that you can feel the effects right away. It's actually faster than any pill you could take and it allows you to skip the potentially dangerous side effects of medication. 

What conditions does massage therapy treat?

Massage therapy can treat both chronic pain conditions like arthritis and acute pain, which happens after an auto accident or another traumatic incident. A couple of the most common reasons why patients seek massage therapy at 1st Choice Chiropractic are: 

Back pain

Back pain is one of the most common reasons that patients get massage therapy. This treatment can reduce the inflammation that’s causing your pain, allowing you to move more freely again. 

Neck pain

Neck pain, including conditions like whiplash, is extremely common after accidents. massage therapy gently eases the irritated muscles in your neck to restore their normal function and ease your pain, allowing you to move your neck normally again. 

Joint pain

Joint pain, which often occurs due to osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, is a common issue among many people when they reach middle age or their senior years. massage therapy can gently restore the position and health of the tissues surrounding your joints, leading to pain relief, reduced swelling, and better mobility.

massage therapy can also help with pain, stiffness, and swelling in nearly any part of the body. 

To learn more about how massage therapy can alleviate pain and stiffness, call 1st Choice Chiropractic or click on the online booking link to arrange your consultation today.